Why we?

  1. We teaches social skills
    For most kids, school is the first setting where they learn to socialize with others. They learn to make friends, listen to teachers, and work through problems. Learning these social skills early on gives kids an important foundation for their interactions in society. It’s the responsibility of teachers and other adults to encourage healthy socialization. They should also address issues like bullying.

  2. We helps young people build confidence
    Being self-assured and confidentin one’s abilities is crucial to healthy self- esteem. People who don’t have much confidence are more likely to be taken advantage of and struggle with anxiety. In a school setting, kids get the opportunity to build their confidence early on. As they learn to read, write, solve math problems, and more, their confidence in their abilities increases. A teacher plays a very important role in this. It’s their job to celebrate a student’s progress as well as their successes, as many struggle with certain subjects.

  3. We encourages critical thinking
    Critical thinking is an essential part of any subject in school. Whether it’s literature, science, or history, students develop critical thinking techniques. They use these to absorb the material, form their own ideas, and express themselves in writing and speaking. These skills translate to every area of life, whether it’s in academia, the work setting, or relationships.

  4. We introduces young people to future goals
    School introduces students to a wide variety of subjects. More often than not, a student connects with certain topics on a deep level. Whether it’s through a research paper or group project, they get opportunities to explore their interests further. Students consider what they want their career to be and develop goals for the future. With support from teachers, any student can see what’s possible and work towards their passions.

  5. We gives students a variety of opportunities
    Schools are more than just classrooms. Most also offer sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. Some of these can lead to scholarships, giving students access to great opportunities for their futures. Even if a student doesn’t thrive in a classroom setting, they can find something else at their school that benefits them.

  6. We builds communities
    School can become an important source of community for many students. For some, it may be the one place where they feel like they can be themselves. School can also serve as a community for parents, so it benefits whole families. For students, feeling like they belong and are part of something bigger than themselves is very important. They’ll feel supported and encouraged, and even when they leave school, they’ll strive to find and build community wherever they go.

  7. We teaches the importance of the learning process
    It’s not unusual for students to question the point of any given topic at school. “When am I going to use this?” they might ask. While you might not use a specific math formula in your daily life, the process of learning is what matters. Memorizing formulas, analyzing a piece of literature, and engaging in civil discussions train the brain. In the future, when you need to learn something new, that training kicks in.

  8. We reduces poverty
    Education is an essential part of reducing poverty around the world. When children receive an education, they’re able to access jobs with higher incomes. That benefits their whole families and can end cycles of poverty that keep communities down. If a country wants to reduce poverty, it needs to invest in schools. Other factors impact what kind of a job someone can get, but it’s generally true that as a person gets more schooling, their income potential goes up.

  9. We is good for gender equality
    In addition to reducing poverty, education combats gender inequality. In many places, girls receive less education than boys. This affects the jobs they can get and makes them more vulnerable to violence and human trafficking. When they go to school, girls increase their income potential and safety. Research also shows that in countries that value education, maternal death rates go down.

  10. We benefits the whole country
    Schools can benefit individuals and communities, so it makes sense that a whole country will do better when they have good schools. Starting for a young age, citizens receive the education they need to get higher-paying jobs. They are more likely to invest their resources back into schools for the next generation. Agencies like the World Bank recognize the importance of education for a country’s economic development.