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Brief Life History Of St. Francis Xavier

If Ignatius was a man. Born for greater things. Francis was born to set the world on fire. Ignatius accepted Peter, the rook as his hero, while Francis Modeled his life according to Paul. Francis remains the inspiration for all missionaries in whatever Situation they find themselves. His passionate drive to set the world on fire with God's unconditional love for man, spurs on everyone who has met and experienced Christ. Link the spiritual journey of Ignatius, the life story of Francis chalks out a path for any man who wishes to know how men become saints and how he himself can start this work right now.

Francis was born, in the castle of Xavier, in the north of Spain, on April 7, 1506, Just like Ignatius he was the youngest child of the family and everyone's pet. His mother, Maria de Azpilcueta, was rich very pious and wise. His Father, Dr. Juan de Jassu, was the president of the Royal Council of Navarre, a good Christian and a learned man. Faith and pity wear the greatest treasures in the Xavier castle.

Francis enjoyed his childhood happiness only for nine years. Francis and Spain the Neighbours of the kingdom of Navarre were bitten by greed for power. As a result, Dr. Juan lost his high position in the government and a few months died, a disappointed and frustrated man. Francis stood at the side of his sorrowful mother and with tears in the eyes saw the soldiers destroying Xavier's castle.

Matters become wrose when another war broke out. Miguel and Juan two brothers of Francis, Joined the French army, who had crossed the frontier to restore the previous king to the throne. In one of those battles, a Basque warrior, named Ignatius Loyola, fell wonded while defending the fortress of the capital, Pamplona.Ignatius had lost this battle to the Francis brothers. But soon he would wage war against Francis himself.

Francis had seen too many sorrows in his house brought about by the military profession. And so, when he had to choose his way of life, contrary to his brother's suggestion that he should Become a soldier, he decided to become a priest. He began his studies at the University of Paris, on October 1, 1525. Five year later he took his degree as a matter of arts and less than a year later on March 15, 1530, he was made a Doctor of Philosophy. With that distinction came further recognition, new hopes and dreams.

In the midst of the adventures and ambitions of his student life francis was encounter by Ignatius and the war began all over again, Ignatius was fifteen year older than Francis. He possessed a vision of life, not taught in the classrooms and the heart of God. He had walked thousands of miles, seen many countries and mixed with all types of people. He had spent many hours in deep communion with God Besides, Ignatius had a definite plan for the future and knew what he wanted.

At first, Francis wanted to have nothing to do with elderly roommate. But Ignatius knew too well how to win this war. When Francis was in need of money, Ignatius willingly advanced it too him, without any fuss. When Francis began to teach, he needed someone to canvass the pupils for him and boost up his name Ignatius did that also. In return for what Ignatius was doing. Francis allowed himself to be confronted from time to time by these words, "What does it profit Francis? What does it profit, if you gain the whole world and suffer the loss of your Soul?" It was a long struggle, for only in the spring of 1534, after two years of resistance, did the citadel of Francis heart surrender.

On August 15, 1534 Francis climbed the hill of Montmartre and with Ignatius, his friend and master and five others made vows of poverty and chastity and a pilgrimage to the Holy land, at end his studies. This band of men wanted to give people in the Holy land a Christ experience and thus set their hearts on fire with love for god and their neighbor. In case, the pilgrimage would not be possible within one year, they would offer themselves to the Holy Father for any mission he might like to send them.

In order to fulfill this vow, two and a half years later, Francis traveled to Venice with this companions, with the intention of embarking for Palestine. But God had other plans. He closed the door in Venice and opened a window in Rome.

Francis was ordained a priest and offered his first Holy Mass at the end of September. For a time he exercised his priestly ministry in the city of Bologna, where his father had obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws. Serious illness, however, forces him to stop his vigorous a pastorate and to accept instead the position of Secretary to Ignatius.

In 1540, King John of Portugal, through his Roman Ambassador, asked Ignatius to send some of his companions as missionaries and has work enough for scores of men, Ignatius agreed to send two. Rodriguez and Bobadilla were so sick, that the semi invalid Francis was selected instead, with only a day's notice, to pack his few possessing and to complete plans for departure. Francis left Rome on March 16, 1540, Bound for Portugal and the East. On his thirty-fifth birthday, Francis left Lisbon for India, landed in Goa after a journey of twelve months on May 6, 1542. He was the Ambassador of the Holy Father and Something he had to act Ambassador of the king of Portugal.

Francis's missionary activity lasted for ten years. He worked on the Fishery Coast of India (1542-1544), in the Molucca (1545-1547) and in Japan (1549- 1551), four months after he had left for china, Francis died on December 3,1552, on of the rocky island of sancian opposite the port of Canton at the entrance of China, when he was only 42 years old. Like his friend Ignatius, Francis, too, was alone with God during his last moments earth. But before he died, Francis had spread the Ignition - Spirit, which sprang from a Christ experience, for and wide. During the last year of his life, Francis had traveled nearly one hundred thousand kilometers, braved death among savages and hostile religious and political leaders and on the treacherous journeys that he undertook. Like his model, paul the Apostle, Francis laid the foundation of Christian communities everywhere he went. The life and activity of Francis was defiantly a turning point in the religious history of man.

Francis set the world on fire, by bringing into the of life of man, the heart of good who loves every man, sinner or saint, totally and unconditionally, with a love that frees man of all his fears and helps him to spend his life in loving service of his neighbor.